Monday, April 29, 2019

Arts and Craft Classes For Kids こども絵画造形教室

Self Portrait  with Paul Klee Patterns 自画像/パウル・クレーのパターン 


Halloween Crafts ハロウィーンクラフト

We enjoy making Halloween crafts with kids! Here are many different ways to make Jack-O'-Lanterns made out of papier-mâché , clay, glass bottle, and yarn.

These are some halloween garlands I made as samples for the class. Cutout images are created from scratch.


Kids made the spiders out of chestnut shells we harvested from the garden.
We even made a scarecrow! カカシさんまで 作りました!

Autumn Foliage Crafts 秋の紅葉工作

We gathered many leaves from the mountain hikes and made collages/stencil.


We made the fall foliage garland with marbled papers.

Chestnut Queen and King.

Christmas Crafts クリスマスクラフト

We made christmas wreaths out of pinecones and mistletoes.

Summer Vegetable Stamps 夏野菜のスタンプ

We made stamps with okras, lotus roots, peppers, eggplants, and cucumbers.
オクラや、れんこん、ピーマン、ナス、きゅうりなどで スタンプしました。


Children's Day Craft こどもの日工作

May 5th is Children's Day in Japan. To celebrate, we decorate a group of carps like flags. We made collage paintings of the flying carps.

Marbling マーブリング

Kids just love marbling! We used the marbled papers for many crafts, like lanterns, paper fans, note book covers and garlands.

Easter イースター

We colored easter eggs and did egg hunting in the yard!

Made egg-shaped mobiles made out of strings.

Setsubun (the last day of winter) 節分


Plum/ Blow Painting 梅/吹き絵

Girl's Day ひなまつり


Paper Dye 紙染め

Eraser Stamps 消しゴムスタンプ

Perspective Collage 遠近感コラージュ


Pattern  Collage パターンコラージュ


Using Color Values in Water Color 水彩画の濃淡表現

3-D Effect Using Lines 線画で3−D表現

Rainy Season's Mobile 梅雨のモビール

Scratch Board スクラッチボード

 3-D Glasses Animated Drawing 3-Dグラスのアニメ画

Toddler's Fruits Collage 幼児のフルーツコラージュ

Monday, April 22, 2019

Zero Waste Home ゴミを出さない家庭作り

Happy Earth Day! 5R Steps to Zero Waste Home ハッピーアースデー!ゴミを出さない家庭作りの5ステップ:

Buy less, waste less, live more... It's been in my head for at least some decades. But I haven't got around perfecting the way to do it. I came across this web site by a mother of two who creates zero waste at their home in California. I was very inspired and I really want to make more effort to get there step by step. I need to match my intention to action.With simple 5 steps: 1.Refuse to buy stuff you don't really need 2.Reduce waste 3.Reuse 4.Recycle 5.Rot (Compost)! I already passionately follow the step 3~5, but I end up buying stuff I don't really need when it's for kids and it's cheap! And it's definitely more challenging to do the step 2 in Japan than U.S. where it's hard to find unpackaged vegetables and fruits even at vegetable stands and there's no co-op where they sell bulk cereal and grain. First step is to find where to shop for unpackaged groceries...! 
 "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony" - Gandhi
ゴミを出さない家庭作りなんて日本で出来るのだろうか。そのステップは、1. いらないものを買わないように努める!2. ゴミを出さないように努める!3. 再使用する 4.リサイクルする 5.コンポスト(堆肥)する。3〜5は、毎日努めてやっているが、2は、何の食品でも商品でも、スーパーでも八百屋さんでも野菜、果物は何でも細かくパッケージされている日本では、難しい。包装されていない食品を大量に仕入れることが出来る市場に行かないと簡単には手に入らないかもしれない。

Here is a Earth Day Puzzle I designed. I'm planning to donate the profit to the environmental organizations. アースデーのパズルデザインをしました。環境団体に寄付するためのものです。

Monday, March 4, 2019

Spinning Cut Out Lamp 切り絵のくるくるランプ

I designed these cut out patterns for kindergarten's graduation, inspired by my child's dreams and souvenirs (nuts and leaves) from the school's court yard. 子供の幼稚園の卒園のためにデザインした切り絵パターンです。デザインは、子供の見た夢と、子供が園の校庭から持って帰って来るお土産(どんぐりや葉っぱ)からインスピレーションを受けました。


Here's the finished spinning lamp. 出来上がったくるくるランプです。

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Japan Trip

Japan Trip

 We traveled in Japan with our friends from U.S.. This amazing trip was made possible by many people. Thank you!

Kokedera, Moss Garden, Kyoto

Gion, Kyoto

Imperial Palace, Tokyo

City view from Mori Museum, Tokyo

Ippei's opening in Aoyama gallery, Tokyo

Keya, Fukuoka

Sanmachi (Old Town), Takayama

Hida no Sato (Old Thatched Roof Houses), Takayama
Chikurin Garden, Yoshino

Kongobuji Temple, Koya-san

Okuno-in, Koya-san

Kumano Old Road
We saw many wild monkeys in Kii Mountains!
Nachi no taki (Longest Waterfall in Japan)
Kii Katsura Onsen (Hot Spring)

We are bike trio!,  Ise

Ise Shrine, Ise

Our Vegetable Garden in Vermont

Our Vegetable Garden in Vermont

Our Natural Bird Bath in Vermont

Our Natural Bird Bath in Vermont

Rock Steps

Rock Steps

Shade Garden

Shade Garden

