Monday, April 22, 2019

Zero Waste Home ゴミを出さない家庭作り

Happy Earth Day! 5R Steps to Zero Waste Home ハッピーアースデー!ゴミを出さない家庭作りの5ステップ:

Buy less, waste less, live more... It's been in my head for at least some decades. But I haven't got around perfecting the way to do it. I came across this web site by a mother of two who creates zero waste at their home in California. I was very inspired and I really want to make more effort to get there step by step. I need to match my intention to action.With simple 5 steps: 1.Refuse to buy stuff you don't really need 2.Reduce waste 3.Reuse 4.Recycle 5.Rot (Compost)! I already passionately follow the step 3~5, but I end up buying stuff I don't really need when it's for kids and it's cheap! And it's definitely more challenging to do the step 2 in Japan than U.S. where it's hard to find unpackaged vegetables and fruits even at vegetable stands and there's no co-op where they sell bulk cereal and grain. First step is to find where to shop for unpackaged groceries...! 
 "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony" - Gandhi
ゴミを出さない家庭作りなんて日本で出来るのだろうか。そのステップは、1. いらないものを買わないように努める!2. ゴミを出さないように努める!3. 再使用する 4.リサイクルする 5.コンポスト(堆肥)する。3〜5は、毎日努めてやっているが、2は、何の食品でも商品でも、スーパーでも八百屋さんでも野菜、果物は何でも細かくパッケージされている日本では、難しい。包装されていない食品を大量に仕入れることが出来る市場に行かないと簡単には手に入らないかもしれない。

Here is a Earth Day Puzzle I designed. I'm planning to donate the profit to the environmental organizations. アースデーのパズルデザインをしました。環境団体に寄付するためのものです。

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